HYDAC贺德克脱水过滤器FAM 25/45/60/75/95

来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:



HYDAC德克脱水过滤器FAM 25/45/60/75/95      中文描述

FAM 25/45/60/75/95系列作品按照真空脱水为从液压和润滑流体的自由和释放出的气体的游离和溶解水的分离和原则。感谢贺德克旁路滤波元件技术与高污染的截留能力和分离能力,本机是一个非常高的经济效益。所有单位都配备了AquaSensor 1000连续监测含水量的单位和控制。

工作压力0? 4.5巴
- 更长油更换间隔
- 改进了元件的使用寿命期限
- 高教机的可用性
- 减少生命周期成本(LCC )

随着脱水,脱气和其他流体服务和保健系统, HYDAC提供专业的解决方案,石油服务的广泛的产品范围和护理液压和润滑媒体旁路流量。


HYDAC贺德克脱水过滤器FAM 25/45/60/75/95      英文描述

The units of the FluidAqua Mobil FAM 25/45/60/75/95 series works in accordance with the principle of vacuum dewatering for the separation of free and dissolved water and of free and released gases from hydraulic and lubrication fluids. Thanks to the HYDAC bypass filter element technology with high contamination retention capacity and separation capacity, the unit achieves a very high economic efficiency. All units are equipped with an AquaSensor AS 1000 for continuous monitoring of the water content and control of the unit. A CS 1000 particle sensor for simultaneous monitoring of the solid particle contamination can be integrated as an option. A heater can be optionally integrated or even retrofitted for enhancing the dewatering performance, for highly viscous fluids or with low fluid temperatures. Simple and safe handling is ensured, thanks to the programmable-memory control (SPS) of the Siemens S7 series which is used in combination with a Siemens operating panel in many national languages. Flow rates (at 50 Hz) up to approximately 95 l/min
Operating pressure 0 … 4.5 bar
The lowest or residual water contents, gas contents and particulate contamination of the operating fluids lead to:
- Longer oil replacement intervals
- Improved component service life duration
- Higher machine availability
- Reduction of Life Cycle Cost (LCC)