
来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:



HYDAC德克液压换向4WHE16??? 中文描述
HYDAC贺德克液压换向阀4WHE16是板式安装阀门。它可以有选择地通过4/2或三位四通滑阀NG6或驾驶配备一个偏转板。根据不同的符号( E,H ,J , G) ,它允许和阻止在各自的方向上流动。 Qmax = 300 l/min Pmax = 320 bar


HYDAC贺德克液压换向阀4WHE16??? 英文描述
The hydraulically actuated 4/3 directional control valve 4WHE16 is a subplate mounted valve. It can optionally be piloted by a 4/2 or 4/3 spool valve NG6 or be equipped with a deflexion plate. Depending on the symbol (E, H, J, G), it permits and blocks the flow in the respective direction. Qmax = 300 l/min Pmax = 320 bar

