来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:



HYDAC德克WK08C…M    中文描述

该WK08C ... M是直接作用手动操作的滑阀。当不操作时,它允许流从端口1到2 ,反之亦然,而端口3被阻止。当它被手动操作,端口2被关闭并流从端口3到1 ,反之亦然允许的。腔UNF 3 / 4-16 。

Qmax = 19 l/min
Pmax = 350 bar

 HYDAC贺德克滑阀WK08C…M   英文描述
The WK08C…M is a direct acting manually operated spool valve. When not operated, it allows flow from port 1 to 2 and vice versa, while port 3 is blocked. When it is manually operated, port 2 is closed and flow is allowed from port 3 to 1 and vice versa. Cavity UNF 3/4-16.