来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:


 HYDAC德克压力补偿器DWM12121ZMD/PD MDZ/PDZ    中文描述
上游压力补偿DWM12121Z MD / PD MDZ / PDZ结构是一种直动式针型芯型式保持独立的压力变化恒定的流速。此外,该阀具有以下特性:压力释放阶段,这确保了该系统的最大压力不超过,和一个开关或比例螺线管,其可以用于影响该压力释放阀的功能。根据该阀的模式是必需的,此功能可为常开(MD / PD)和常闭( MDZ / PDZ ) 。Cavity (metric) M 27 x 2. Qmax = 120 l/min Pmax = 350 bar


HYDAC贺德克压力补偿器DWM12121ZMD/PD MDZ/PDZ    英文描述

The upstream pressure compensator DWM12121Z MD/PD MDZ/PDZ is a direct acting needle valve spool type for maintaining a constant flow rate independent of pressure changes. .In addition, the valve has the following features: a pressure relief stage, which ensures that the maximum pressure of the system is not exceeded, and a switching or proportional solenoid, which can be used to influence the pressure-relief-valve function. This function is available as normally open (MD/PD) and normally closed (MDZ/PDZ) depending on which mode of the valve is required. Cavity (metric) M 27 x 2. Qmax = 120 l/min Pmax = 350 bar