来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:




HYDAC德克压力DB10SPE   中文描述

直动减压阀DB10SPE是弹簧加载的滑阀。它具有用于弹簧室的溢流额外油箱口。因此,独立工作的二次压力具有特别平坦的特性曲线。Cavity UNF 7/8-14. Qmax = 120 l/min Pmax = 350 bar


HYDAC贺德克压力阀DB10SPE   英文描述
The direct acting pressure relief valve DB10SPE is a spring-loaded spool valve. It has an additional tank port for the relief of the spring chamber. Therefore it works independently of secondary pressures with a particularly flat characteristic curve. Cavity UNF 7/8-14. Qmax = 120 l/min Pmax = 350 bar