HYDAC贺德克RS 160方向控制阀

来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:




HYDAC德克RS 160方向控制  中文描述

额定额定流量45L /分钟。有可能进行二次阀,浮( 4阀芯位置)等路段线轴针对不同的应用进行了优化。手动,电缆,气动,液压和电液压阀芯控制。可带阀芯位置指示器。


HYDAC贺德克RS 160方向控制阀  英文描述

Open Center directional control valve with 1-10 sections in 3/8" and symmetrical. Rated nominal flow 45 l/min. Sections with possibility for secondary valves, floating  (4th spool position) etc. Spools optimized for different applications. Manually, cable, pneumatic, hydraulically and electro hydraulically spool controls. Available with spool position indicator.