HYDAC贺德克截止阀RBE-R 3/4

来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:



HYDAC德克截止RBE-R 3/4   中文描述
HYDAC贺德克截止阀RBE - R 3 / 4是弹簧加载的平座阀,该阀当流量超过预设值时自动关闭。它是用来保护软管和管道的破损的情况。 Cavity R3/4". Qmax = 150 l/min Pmax = 350 bar

HYDAC贺德克截止阀RBE-R 3/4   英文描述

The hose break valve RBE-R3/4 is a spring-loaded flat-seat valve which closes automatically when the flow rate exceeds the preset value. It is used to protect hoses and pipelines in the event of breakage. Cavity R3/4". Qmax = 150 l/min Pmax = 350 bar