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贺德克HYDAC压力变送器HDA 3800 .

来源:    日期:2017/10/19    浏览量:

德克HYDAC压力变送器HDA 3800贺德克HYDAC压力变送器HDA 3800  中文描述


这种高精度的压力传感器是专门开发和调整,在冶炼钢铁厂技术复杂的测量任务。该设备配有与装在一个不锈钢膜片薄膜的DNS一个非常强大的传感器单 元。凭借其相对于温度的影响,优秀的数据(温度漂移零点和在最大± 0.01 %FS / ℃的范围既谎言)和精度( ± 0.15 %FS典型值) ,它非常普遍的存在的环境条件下设计的利用率。优秀的EMC特性确保了最困难的,高频,电磁干扰变量信号的稳定性。

?精度± 0.15 %FS型。

?测量范围: between 0 ... 6 bar and 0 ... 600 bar









贺德克HYDAC压力变送器HDA 3800 英文描述

Available versions: For smelting works and steel mills
This high-precision pressure transducer was specially developed and adjusted for the sophisticated measurement tasks in smelting and steel works technology. The device is equipped with a very robust sensor cell with a thin-film DNS which is fitted on a stainless steel diaphragm. With its outstanding data with respect to temperature influence (temperature drift for zero point and range both lie at a maximum of ±0.01% FS/°C) and accuracy (±0.15% FS typ.), it is ideally designed for utilisation under the environmental conditions prevailing there. The outstanding EMC properties ensure signal stability with the hardest, high-frequency, electromagnetic disturbance variables.